
Afterlife: Wandering Souls

Created by Elizabeth Chaipraditkul

Afterlife: Wandering Souls is a tabletop RPG about recovering lost memories and exploring strange worlds.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Stretch Goal UNLOCKED - A Wanderer's Guide to Mirages and Limbos
almost 5 years ago – Tue, May 28, 2019 at 11:47:55 PM

We did it!

The 9k Stretch Goal is unlocked! 

Afterlife: Wanderering Souls gains a new companion book: A Wanderer's Guide to Mirages & Limbos.

Mock-up only - cover *not* final
Mock-up only - cover *not* final

A Wanderer's Guide to Mirages & Limbos is a brand new setting book. It introduces new Limbos and Mirages for GMs to use in their game along with player focused information on how to interact with Limbos and Mirages. We'll also take a deeper look into the different species you can meet within the Tenebris and give each of them an in depth write-up.

This book will be full colour, soft cover, and roughly 100 pages depending on the final word count. We'll hire artists to help us illustrate this amazing guide and we'll include any unlocked Limbo stretch goals in the book itself so you can have our author's amazing words in print!

To get a physical copy of this book add  €25 to your pledge. 

New Tier - Limbo Traveler €90 - We've also added a new pledge tier after 'The Dark Kit - €65' which is 'Limbo Traveler - €90' this gives you everything from the Dark Kit plus A Wanderer's Guide to Mirages & Limbos with a small discount on everything as thanks!

New Tier - Serpent €175 - With this tier you'll get everything from the Limbo Traveler Tier, plus you'll work together with Liz to create a custom Limbo (or Mirage) which will be included in A Wanderer's Guide to Mirages & Limbos. Liz will contact you via Kickstarter about this once the campaign has concluded. 

Please note - because this is a stretch goal this book will be done later than the core book. We'll offer an option for people to wait and bundle their package to save on shipping, but the exact form this will take is still TBD.

Now, on to two exciting announcements:

Our next stretch goal is a Limbo by the amazing Mabel Harper!

 Mabel Harper is a trans Filipina musician, writer, graphic designer, and game designer living in Philadelphia. When she's not creating the stuff of nightmares, she's either making queer pop music as Don't do it, Neil or she's vegging out on her bed and watching anime with her cats. 

Mabel and I very briefly worked on a project together and when a horror rpg Kickstarter she collaborated on came out at the start of the year - I knew I had to back it. I can't wait to see what Mabel's unique writing style brings to a Limbo! 

Also, it's time to reveal our 12k Stretch Goal!

That's right at 12k every person who pledges for the quick references will receive an additional reference completely free! 

There are only a handful of days left on the Kickstarter Wanderers! Let's see what we can unlock!

Lots of love, 


The Serpents - Art & Lore
almost 5 years ago – Sat, May 25, 2019 at 12:05:10 AM

Happy Friday Wanderers!

We're halfway to unlocking  A Wanderer's Guide to Limbos & Mirages, which is very exciting, an entire new book of lore and playable locations! Last week I shared a little bit about Tenebris cosmology with all of you and today I wanted to talk more about the Serpents.  

Inhabitants of the Tenerbis, humans aside, believe the universe was created by giant serpents. The Great Serpents now live under the sands of the Tenebris causing the shifting and writhing many  encounter on their travels. The idea that the Tenebris is just a holding place for human souls is completely obtuse to Tenebris inhabitants! Then again, humans tend to always frame things around how they believe the worlds work...


We couldn't make the book without one awesome picture of snakes. Check out this rough colour sketch from ones of our artists Nico! Isn't it cool?


Here's a bit of fiction about the Great Serpents about them from the book:

There was once seven Great Serpents, their bodies and minds larger than worlds, larger than universes. They inhabited the places between the planes and  spread their minds to the end of all things. Within each Great Serpent there were two souls, one soul totally light and another utterly dark. The light yearned to create and the dark to destroy. The balance in these creatures was fragile, yet perfect in balance. So the Serpents lived for millennia. 

Then, there was a time of great creation. A time when all things came into being created by the Serpents. This creation drew a vast nothingness, the Tenebris, to the Serpents.

With each creation, the light in the Serpents grew stronger, and to balance this light, the Tenebris spewed forth darkness. Music was created and so the dark drank in the first song. Love bloomed between creatures and so the Tenebris put doubt in all hearts. Soon the Tenebris created dark without any light to balance it. The Serpents desperately tried to keep the light in the universe, but they were losing. 

To combat the Tenebris’ creations, the Serpents split themselves in two. One half to contain all the light they had within and one to swallow the dark. Within the Serpents’ belly the dark could be contained. The two halves balancing one another. However, when the Serpents split, half consuming the dark and the other staying light, the dark half looked upon their other with contempt. 

The great beasts turned away from the world of mortal things and fought one another. With each strike, feint, and bite the Serpents tangled in on themselves. They wound tighter and tighter until they could no longer move. The Tenebris seeped out from the Serpents, creating the vast desert… the home… the dark.

If you're free tonight at 8pm EST head over to the Penny for a Tale Twitch channel to watch them take on the Tenebris in an Afterlife: Wandering Souls actual play!

Also, just in case you missed it I was on the JamesUK Twitch channel running a game last week and you can watch the video of that here:

Until next time Wanderers!



Stretch Goal UNLOCKED - Jaym Gates' Limbo
almost 5 years ago – Sun, May 19, 2019 at 10:44:07 PM

Great news Wanderers!

Thanks to your efforts we unlocked our 3rd Stretch Goal this weekend - a custom Limbo written by the talented Jaym Gates! Thank you so much to everyone who shared our project on social media after the last update, it made such a difference and pushed us right into the next Stretch Goal.

At 9k we unlock an entirely new book of. A little reminder of what it is:

A Wanderer's Guide to Limbos & Mirages is a brand new setting book. It introduces new Limbos and Mirages for GMs to use in their game along with player focused information on how to interact with Limbos and Mirages. We'll also take a deeper look into the different species you can meet within the Tenebris and give each of them an in depth write-up.

When we unlock this Stretch Goal you'll be able to add a physical copy of A Wanderer's Guide to Limbos & Mirages to your pledge and we'll also add a tier with the book which you can pledge to as well.

...And the next two goals are...

That's right! At 10k we'll get the amazing Mabel Harper to write a custom Limbo for use and at 11k Sarah Doombringer will bring her own unique brand of weird to a Limbo as well. When we unlock the 9k Stretch Goal we'll tell you more about these amazing women!

Speak to you soon Wanderers!



Tenebris Cosmology
almost 5 years ago – Fri, May 17, 2019 at 08:18:03 PM

Happy Friday Wanderers!

We're over half-way through our campaign and so very close to unlocking our third stretch goal a Limbo by the talented Jaym Gates

I wanted to take some time today to talk to you a bit about how the Tenebris works and look at the difference between Limbos and Mirage since they are such an important part of a Wanderer's journey. 

 Tenebris Cosmology

The Tenebris is comprised of the never-ending desert Wanderers walk and the various Mirages that dot it. Doors to Limbos are also located in the Tenebris and appear as many different things—a pool of water, a glowing portal, or an actual door. The Tenebris is considered one world and Mirages are the cities, towns, forests, etc. within it. Limbos are separate planes of existence, whose entry ways can be found in the Tenebris.

Limbos may be cities, forests, or even entire worlds. Each limbo is populated with its own unique inhabitants who have no idea of realm beyond their own, much like humans on Earth. Wanderers enter (and exit) Limbos through the Tenebris, but Limbos are considered their own realms. Wanderers believe that these limbos are gateways to afterlives beyond the Tenebris and, if the Wanderer can gain enough Resonance, they will one day move through the gateway to their Requiem. 

Mirages are locations in the Tenebris that are devoid of Resonance and are not connected to the Beyond. Inhabitants of Mirages understand they live in the Tenebris and there are limbos containing other realms. They know Wanderers consider the Tenebris, the afterlife, but the Tenebris is where they are born, where they live, and where they die.

The Drowned Lands

Here is a snippet taken from a Limbo known as the 'Drowned Lands' written by the ever talented Steffie de Vaan:

Dread Atlantis

The Empire of Atlantis spans the vastness of this realm, the city itself sitting like a cancerous growth at the hearth of the Drowned Lands while legionnaire outposts riddle the ocean floor. Every time Atlantis sinks in a painting, movie or story - every time mortals dream they’ve found it, only to see science dash their hopes - Atlantis grows. Atlantis rules the Drowned Lands with an iron fist, taking what they please and leaving other inhabitants to fight over scraps. The Empire is ruled by the Eldest, before whom queens, kings and other nobles bow.

Atlanteans better themselves using their superior intellect and technology - transferring their consciousness  into bodies of their own design, and splicing their DNA with aquatic species to dominate the ocean. The body of the Eldest is tentacled and vast after they spliced themselves with a kraken. Soldiers and guards of temples, dedicated to the Eldest, splice themselves with all manner of sharks - great whites for strength, tiger sharks for cunning, and reef sharks for speed. Scientists use dolphin and turtle DNA to their own to enhance their intellect and long-term thinking. 

The middle of every Kickstarter campaign is always hard, things tend to slow down and then pick up at the end of the campaign. In order to remind everyone about our campaign I was hoping you could share it again on social media. I've created two pre-made messages for you if you can't think of what to say:

Tweet: Strange. Macabre. Alien. Afterlife: Wandering Souls an rpg by @angryhamsterrpg is nearing it's third Stretch Goal! Come travel the Tenebris with the dead souls and see what memories you can retrieve before it's too late! 

Other social media: Strange. Macabre. Alien. Afterlife: Wandering Souls a tabletop role play game by Angry Hamster Publishing is nearing it's third Stretch Goal! Come travel the Tenebris with the dead souls and see what memories you can retrieve before it's too late! 


Also! I know a lot of people are in love with our art, so I created two badges you can use as profile pictures for your various social media outlets. Feel free to pull them from this post or download them here.

Option 1
Option 1
Option 2
Option 2

Live on Twitch

Finally, if you have time make sure you check out:  at 18:00 EST today! Liz will be on live answering questions with Mitchell!

Till next time Wanderers!


Stretch Goal UNLOCKED - Felipe Real's Limbo
almost 5 years ago – Fri, May 10, 2019 at 08:29:03 AM

Hail Wanderers,

We've done it! The Kickstarter reached 7k and that means Felipe Real's Limbo comes to the Tenebris. Every backer from the Unrequited (PDF) tier upwards will have it included in a digital package sent along with your PDF. It also means that we're adding Carol Darnell to the team to edit this stretch goal and the other Limbos we unlock as well!

As a quick side note - I am on a weekend away with a friend so you'll notice the front page of the Kickstarter hasn't changed yet. I'll update it when I am back on Sunday.

For the next stretch goal we're unlocking a Limbo by the talented Jaym Gates:

 Jaym Gates is an editor, author, and game designer. She spent five years as the Communications Director for the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, and now is the Managing Editor at Green Ronin Publishing, and the Editorial Director of Green Ronin's Nisaba Press. She also edits freelance for SFF and RPG books. Her game writing and editing includes work for Blue Rose 2nd Ed., Modern Age, Tiny Wastelands, Zorro, Firefly, Lost Citadel, 13th Age, Over the Edge, John Carter of Mars, Shadowrun, and various 3rd party products, and anthologies for Vampire, Exalted, and Eclipse Phase. She is currently developing Shattered Age for Green Ronin, Legacy of Mana for Lynnvander Studios, and We Are All Monsters for Gallant Knight Games.  

I met Jaym at Origins Game Fair last year and knew I wanted to get her on an Angry Hamster Publishing project as soon as I could. I am a big fan of the work she's done - Blue Rose 2nd Ed being a campaign I currently running for my home group! I can't wait to see what amazing setting she brings to Afterlife.

As promised in my last Stretch Goal update it's time to reveal the 9k Stretch Goal. Roughly 1/4 of Afterlife's core book is solely focused on Limbos and Mirages, but even with that space dedication there is so much more we want to share with you! Therefore, we are excited to announce the 9k Stretch Goal:

A Wanderer's Guide to Limbos & Mirages

A Wanderer's Guide to Limbos & Mirages is a brand new setting book. It introduces new Limbos and Mirages for GMs to use in their game along with player focused information on how to interact with Limbos and Mirages. We'll also take a deeper look into the different species you can meet within the Tenebris and give each of them an in depth write-up.

When we unlock this Stretch Goal you'll be able to add a physical copy of A Wanderer's Guide to Limbos & Mirages to your pledgeand we'll also add a tier with the book which you can pledge to as well. 

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

